Turkana, Kakamega, Garissa, Kericho and Kirinyaga Counties Have The Most Faithful Men in Kenya

Kenya’s most faithful men found in Garissa, Turkana, Kakamega. COURTESY

According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) report, Kakamega, Garissa, Turkana, Kericho and Kirinyaga Counties have men with the lowest percentage of men with multiple sexual partners.

Garissa(2%), Turkana(5%), Kericho (2%). Kirinyaga(1.6 %), and Kakamega(5.6 % )

At 28.7%, Migori county had the highest percentage of men with multiple partners.

The high level of sexual activity in Migori County is due to the location being a transit town with a high number of trucks heading to Tanzania and Uganda.

According to government records, residents of the counties of Narok, Mombasa, West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Embu lead the list of persons who have multiple sex partners.

Meanwhile, high sex rates in Narok, West Pokot, and Marakwet counties have been linked to high levels of adult illiteracy.

In terms of demographics, men who were wealthier, better educated, and residing in urban areas reported having had more than two sex partners in the last year.

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