Turkana County marks World Cancer Day

Mrs. Lillian Ekamais, Turkana County's First Lady, led the county in commemorating the #WorldCancerDay. PHOTO COURTESY

This year’s theme, “Close the Treatment Gap,” celebrated every 4th of February, is all about recognizing progress in its various forms that enable more cancer patients and caregivers to seek and get the care they need.

Mrs. Lillian Ekamais, Turkana County’s First Lady, led the county in commemorating the #WorldCancerDay with the rest of the globe to raise cancer awareness.

Speaking during the ceremony, the County’s First Lady Lilian Ekamais emphasized the need of spreading cancer awareness throughout the County.

“There are four stages of cancer and stage one and two one can get treatment, but people wait until it is stage four when it is too late for treatment,” she said.
She also encouraged women to be screened for cervical cancer and to educate their peers about the need of screening.
Turkana County marks World Cancer Day. PHOTO COURTESY

Present also was the County Chief Officer of Preventive and Promotive Health Peter Lomorukia who stated that cancer is a fatal disease, but there is assistance and treatments available.

“Cancer screening can be conducted in all healthcare facilities and those diagnosed with cancer can get the treatment early,” he said.

He also added that the county government facilitated referrals for cancer patients to facilities in Eldoret and beyond as part of their management.

“The HPV [Human papillomavirus] vaccine is safe and now it is a government directive that all girls, aged 10 to 14 years, should be vaccinated to safeguard their lives,” he said.

According to Dr. Bonventure Ameyo, Director of Preventive and Promotive Services, promoting cancer awareness is crucial because 80% of cancer cases are diagnosed too late for treatment to be effective.

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Written by Ateker TV

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